
This is not your grandma’s travel site. I’ll be taking you on the road through America’s abandoned buildings, or the bones that are left.

The abandoned buildings covering our nation show us a history of where we have come from. Everything from empty factories to ghost towns tell a story of what once was. Unfortunately, these are usually stories of pain, bankruptcy, and tragedy. However, these stories are important to tell and as I travel across the abandoned United States, I hope to give you a glimpse into a past you can’t witness in a museum.

I hope that this will also be an opportunity for fellow explorers to share their stories and photos. So if you have any stories you would like to share or suggestions for locations I would love to hear from you!

Please keep in mind that these are often dangerous places to visit due to crumbling foundations, caving ceilings, crime, and many other reasons. So please be safe!

– Elizabeth, a fellow explorer

6 thoughts on “About

  1. This would be cool if you hadn’t ripped the name from someone who’s been doing this and using tge name “the recreational trespasser” for decades


    1. I actually was unaware anyone was using that name. But since it’s a well respected site for Indiana urbex, I’m going to change the name of my site. Unfortunately, I can’t change the domain name, but we are different sites and should have different names. Thanks for pointing this out guys!


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